tasty and full of protein, too
I like the view from my high horse. One of my favorite views while seated up there was gazing down my nose as all the people around me used Facebook. But not me! I have standards! I'm off the grid! I connect with people face to face!
I only opened a Facebook account when we were in the process of adopting Lidiya, Eleni, and Esias because our adoption agency used Facebook to communicate updates to families during the adoption process. It was as helpful as you're probably imagining: a bunch of moms and dads, waiting on permission from the US and Ethiopian governments to come meet their children and bring them home, obsessing over every update posted about the Ethiopian courts, closures, and the coming rainy season in Ethiopia. Most of which never became an issue other than in the neurotic, overactive brain of adoptive parents. So, yeah, super helpful use of Facebook. :)
And then my sister enlisted, married a marine, and was stationed in Japan. And Facebook is our one link to one another. If it weren't for Facebook, we would have no way to send pictures of rompers, neon maxi dresses, and harem pants to one another and be wisely talked out of said purchases. And when I was editing my website picture, trying to make it look like it wasn't taken by my husband, while two children held a sheet behind me and a third hid behind the sheet, and Ari and Eleni both crawled across my lap, Becky was able to coach me along in the photo editing process:
She wisely talked me out of the fake tanning effect.
But, then, I started querying literary agents with my latest manuscript. And they liked it! It is a writer's dream come true to have an agent request to read your manuscript and know if they decide to pass, you have two other agents waiting in line to read it. But the first agent liked it! (Excuse me while I take a moment to compose myself, because sharing that news never gets old).
This agent has been so kind, and so helpful. Not what I guess I would expect from one of the largest, highest profile literary agencies. She needed a little more information before she signed thing being my social media presence. As in, Facebook. (Cue ominous music)
So, I put together an author page, hit up my friends for likes and made it to 63 likes in three days. But then, my Facebook friends and family members got on board, sharing my need for likes. And I doubled the number of likes on my page in less than 24 hours.
Now, I'm not going to lie. I was loathe to ask for likes. I was uncomfortable asking people to tell their friends about my page. (I tried sweetening the deal with a giveaway, but still...very awkward). Once people who really don't know me, started liking my page, just to help me out, I started having warm fuzzies about Facebook and social media. And I'm still having cuddly feelings towards all my followers. And maybe they have cuddly feelings toward me. Or at least ambivalent enough that they don't leave me. :) Hopefully they remember I didn't even ask themselves to dump a bucket of ice water on themselves to help me out.
So, if you are one of the people who has started following me on my Facebook page, please know I really appreciate your support. And if you are one of the people who shared my status and asked your friends to support me, thank you so much! I am feeling extra blessed this week to know there are so many people who would be willing to help me make my longtime dream of being a published writer come true.
I would love to connect with you over on Facebook. Come visit!